Little Word for Saint Valentine Day

Saint Valentine is a widely known saint who lived in the third century in Rome, commemorating February 14. He has been associated since the Middle Ages with the symbol of sincere love. Nothing is known for him, except for the fact that he was named St. Valentine and died on February 14 at “Flaminia” Street in northern Rome. Today, Valentine’s Day is a day of celebration in the Anglican and Protestant community. The Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Valentine’s Day on July 6th, while St. Valentine’s Day on July 30th. Valentine’s day is celebrated in many parts of the world even though it is a working day. This day was originally tied to love by Jeffrey Kaucer’s verses in the Middle Ages, a time when the romance tradition flourished. Today’s Valentine Symbols are hearts, doves and angel Kupid. In the 19th century, Saint Valentine’s dedication was made through postcards, which became popular.




Sweet Valentine’s Day…


Biscuits with candy for Valentine’s Day…




Valentine Hearts Sandwich Cookies…

Suggestions & Ideas for some gifts you can do for Valentine's Day.

Happy Love


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